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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Kivu. Afficher tous les articles
mercredi 7 juillet 2010
Le coin du lecteur
A découvrir et à lire ... sur la plage :
- "Ne réveillez pas l'eau qui dort : les Maï Maï dans la guerre au Kivu" de Stéphane Mantoux (Historicoblog). Une analyse toujours aussi pointue et pertinente.
- Mondes n°3. Les cahiers du Quai d’Orsay Nouvelles dynamiques africaines
Paris, Grasset, 2010. 190 pages, 18,5 x 26 cm, broché. 18,05 €
- "Burundi : un Etat de droit ?": par Jean-Marie Fardeau,Directeur Human Rights Watch du bureau de Paris, répond aux questions de l'IRIS: Human Rights Watch a fait paraître au mois de mai un rapport sur les violences politiques au Burundi (« Nous allons vous ligoter et vous abattre : Les violences politiques restent impunies au Burundi »). Quelle est la situation sur place ? Dans ce contexte, comment s’est déroulée l’élection présidentielle de ce week-end ? Votre représentante vient d’être expulsée du Burundi. Comment HRW réagit-elle dans ce genre de situation ? Arrive-t-elle à maintenir la surveillance sur le pays ?
- "Les premières élections libres de la Guinée depuis l’indépendance" par Philippe Hugon, directeur de recherche IRIS
- "La projection économique des pays du Maghreb sur l'Afrique subsaharienne" par Nezha Alaoui
lundi 1 mars 2010
RD Congo : Ressources naturelles et violence Le cas des FDLR
Je viens de retrouver ce document de Brune Mercier du GRIP (Groupe de recherche et d'information usr la paix et la sécurité). Il date de 2009 mais garde toute son actualité.
"La richesse minière de la RDC n’est plus à prouver, notamment pour les provinces du Nord et du Sud Kivu où l’on trouve d’importants gisements de cassitérite, de coltan et d’or. Le coltan et la cassitérite sont particulièrement recherchés dans le secteur de l’électronique car ils sont nécessaires à la fabrication des téléphones portables, ordinateurs et circuits imprimés.
Depuis peu, on observe une attention grandissante accordée par la communauté internationale et la société civile, à l’exploitation des ressources naturelles comme vecteurs de violence, notamment à l’est de la RDC.
À la suite de l’accord signé entre Kinshasa et le CNDP, le principal problème sécuritaire à l’est de la RDC reste la présence des FDLR (Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda). Malgré l’initiative conjointe entre la RDC et le Rwanda (« Umoja wetu ») et l’actuelle opération Kimia II visant à désarmer et combattre les FDLR dans les Kivus, ce mouvement reste très actif et continue de terroriser les populations locales.
Comprendre les principales motivations des FDLR permettrait d’envisager certaines pistes de solutions pour parvenir à les neutraliser et réduire ainsi une grande partie de l’insécurité et de la violence qui prévaut actuellement dans les Kivus.
Ce rapport visera donc, à travers l’analyse de leurs revendications politiques, de leurs stratégies de combat et positionnement géographiques ainsi que de leurs activités économiques, à déterminer dans quelle mesure l’exploitation des ressources naturelles constitue le véritable mobile de leur présence à l’est de la RDC. Cette étude permettra de comprendre comment les FDLR parviennent à tirer profit de ces ressources et le rôle que peuvent jouer directement ou indirectement les sociétés étrangères impliquées dans ce commerce, qui contribue à la perpétuation de la violence dans cette région."
Document à télécharger ICI
lundi 22 février 2010
Est de la République Démocratique du Congo : état des lieux d'une crise oubliée
Je vous propose la retranscription de l'article de John Campbell, Ralph Bunche Senior Fellow for Africa Policy Studies, du Council on Foreign Relations.
"Deaths from violence, hunger, and disease in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) over the past dozen years now likely exceed six million, with no end in sight. Violence against civilians in the region has persisted since 1998, with the outbreak of fighting in the Congo involving numerous states and agendas. Because of its magnitude and horror, this conflict is often called Africa's first "world war." The 1999 Lusaka Cease Fire Agreement--signed by Angola, Congo, Rwanda, Namibia, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe--ended fighting among nations, but not violence perpetrated by residual elements. As a result, millions of non-combatants continue to be displaced and killed; most of the formal economy and infrastructure has been destroyed; and hunger and disease are rampant.
While Western governments have not ignored the eastern Congo tragedy (Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Goma as recently as December), media attention has been more focused recently on Sudan, Somalia, and Guinea. Hence, Nicholas Kristof's recent series in the New York Times profiling ongoing violence in eastern Congo against civilians, especially women, is an important wake-up call about this continuing humanitarian disaster.
The current round of violence dates from January 2009, following a rapprochement between the DRC and Rwanda. With logistical support from the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC), the two governments joined forces to purge the eastern Congo of a Hutu rebel group, the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), which seeks to overthrow the Rwandan government.
Despite two campaigns, efforts to rein in the FDLR have largely failed, and Rwandan troops have returned home. The current fighting is among a shifting kaleidoscope of Rwandan Hutu opponents of Rwandan President Paul Kagame's government, elements of the Congolese army, and local militias ostensibly defending their turf against all-comers. In a huge territory largely outside the control of the Kinshasa government, there is also widespread criminal and warlord behavior. Underpinning the violence often is a struggle to loot the region of its abundant natural resources.
Since 1999, the MONUC has been the principal international presence in eastern Congo. Its mandate includes protection of civilians and the disarmament and demobilization of combatants. MONUC is now the UN's largest peacekeeping mission, with a budget of almost $1.35 billion and over 20,509 uniformed personnel and support staff. It has assisted with the demobilization and repatriation of thousands of ex-combatants back to Rwanda, and with the demobilization and reintegration of thousands more into the Congolese army.
However, MONUC's civil protection mandate is hampered by a lack of resources. Its numbers are drawn from a variety of countries including a significant African contingent. In addition, by the end of 2009, it had deployed only 2,050 of its 3,085 newly authorized personnel.
Equipment is similarly sparse. At the close of 2009, there was one Belgian C-130 aircraft and two helicopters from Uruguay. Both countries have also recently pledged an additional helicopter each. There have been no pledges toward MONUC's request for an additional C-130 transport and fourteen utility helicopters, as of the end of 2009. Shortages of helicopters and transport aircraft have limited MONUC's flexibility and rapid-reaction capability. The vastness of the eastern Congo results in MONUC's personnel being so thinly stretched that it is unable to effectively carry out its protection mandate.
Furthermore, with little formal government authority in place, and with the DRC only slowly emerging from failed-state status, there is a culture of impunity with respect to violence against civilians. The Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) are ostensibly charged with maintaining security. But soldiers are often untrained, undisciplined and unpaid. Some are also former rebels who have been integrated into the official armed forces as part of an earlier peace agreement, but maintain loyalty to outside groups or warlords.
Like rebel groups and other irregulars, members of the FARDC also appear to use rape to terrorize and control the local populations, a reason why violence against women is so ubiquitous. Some non-governmental organizations have charged that MONUC's supporting role in various FARDC operations made it complicit in some of those crimes. When the UN Security Council renewed MONUC's mandate in December 2009, it reiterated that civilian protection and humanitarian assistance takes precedence over its other activities. At the same time, DRC President Joseph Kabila issued a "zero tolerance" policy toward human rights abuse committed by FARDC personnel.
MONUC should evaluate its personnel and equipment needs in light of its civilian protection mandate. It should seek increased personnel, including from other African countries. Better-trained and French-speaking officers are especially needed. For its part, the Obama administration should urge committed donor countries to fulfill pledges already made to MONUC in a timely manner and seriously consider increasing its own. It should then take the lead in approaching the donor community to provide the additional resources required.
Given the weakness of the DRC's central government as well as Rwanda's inability to defeat the FDLR, it is unlikely that either government can do much more on the ground. This reality complicates Western and African diplomatic pressure on the two states to hold accountable their nationals involved in violence against civilians. Nevertheless, notorious perpetrators of crimes against civilians do fall into official hands from time to time, and MONUC and FARDC efforts to bring them to a speedy trial should be supported. The international community must continue to insist to Congo and Rwanda that a culture of impunity with respect to violence against civilians is intolerable, and that the guilty are held accountable."
Mon billet précédent : "La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) : retour sur la géopolitique du cœur de l’Afrique"
Le billet de Stéphane Mantoux : « République Démocratique du Congo : chronique d'une guerre sans fin ? » sur Ifriqiya
"Deaths from violence, hunger, and disease in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) over the past dozen years now likely exceed six million, with no end in sight. Violence against civilians in the region has persisted since 1998, with the outbreak of fighting in the Congo involving numerous states and agendas. Because of its magnitude and horror, this conflict is often called Africa's first "world war." The 1999 Lusaka Cease Fire Agreement--signed by Angola, Congo, Rwanda, Namibia, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe--ended fighting among nations, but not violence perpetrated by residual elements. As a result, millions of non-combatants continue to be displaced and killed; most of the formal economy and infrastructure has been destroyed; and hunger and disease are rampant.
While Western governments have not ignored the eastern Congo tragedy (Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Goma as recently as December), media attention has been more focused recently on Sudan, Somalia, and Guinea. Hence, Nicholas Kristof's recent series in the New York Times profiling ongoing violence in eastern Congo against civilians, especially women, is an important wake-up call about this continuing humanitarian disaster.
The current round of violence dates from January 2009, following a rapprochement between the DRC and Rwanda. With logistical support from the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC), the two governments joined forces to purge the eastern Congo of a Hutu rebel group, the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), which seeks to overthrow the Rwandan government.
Despite two campaigns, efforts to rein in the FDLR have largely failed, and Rwandan troops have returned home. The current fighting is among a shifting kaleidoscope of Rwandan Hutu opponents of Rwandan President Paul Kagame's government, elements of the Congolese army, and local militias ostensibly defending their turf against all-comers. In a huge territory largely outside the control of the Kinshasa government, there is also widespread criminal and warlord behavior. Underpinning the violence often is a struggle to loot the region of its abundant natural resources.
Since 1999, the MONUC has been the principal international presence in eastern Congo. Its mandate includes protection of civilians and the disarmament and demobilization of combatants. MONUC is now the UN's largest peacekeeping mission, with a budget of almost $1.35 billion and over 20,509 uniformed personnel and support staff. It has assisted with the demobilization and repatriation of thousands of ex-combatants back to Rwanda, and with the demobilization and reintegration of thousands more into the Congolese army.
However, MONUC's civil protection mandate is hampered by a lack of resources. Its numbers are drawn from a variety of countries including a significant African contingent. In addition, by the end of 2009, it had deployed only 2,050 of its 3,085 newly authorized personnel.
Equipment is similarly sparse. At the close of 2009, there was one Belgian C-130 aircraft and two helicopters from Uruguay. Both countries have also recently pledged an additional helicopter each. There have been no pledges toward MONUC's request for an additional C-130 transport and fourteen utility helicopters, as of the end of 2009. Shortages of helicopters and transport aircraft have limited MONUC's flexibility and rapid-reaction capability. The vastness of the eastern Congo results in MONUC's personnel being so thinly stretched that it is unable to effectively carry out its protection mandate.
Furthermore, with little formal government authority in place, and with the DRC only slowly emerging from failed-state status, there is a culture of impunity with respect to violence against civilians. The Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) are ostensibly charged with maintaining security. But soldiers are often untrained, undisciplined and unpaid. Some are also former rebels who have been integrated into the official armed forces as part of an earlier peace agreement, but maintain loyalty to outside groups or warlords.
Like rebel groups and other irregulars, members of the FARDC also appear to use rape to terrorize and control the local populations, a reason why violence against women is so ubiquitous. Some non-governmental organizations have charged that MONUC's supporting role in various FARDC operations made it complicit in some of those crimes. When the UN Security Council renewed MONUC's mandate in December 2009, it reiterated that civilian protection and humanitarian assistance takes precedence over its other activities. At the same time, DRC President Joseph Kabila issued a "zero tolerance" policy toward human rights abuse committed by FARDC personnel.
MONUC should evaluate its personnel and equipment needs in light of its civilian protection mandate. It should seek increased personnel, including from other African countries. Better-trained and French-speaking officers are especially needed. For its part, the Obama administration should urge committed donor countries to fulfill pledges already made to MONUC in a timely manner and seriously consider increasing its own. It should then take the lead in approaching the donor community to provide the additional resources required.
Given the weakness of the DRC's central government as well as Rwanda's inability to defeat the FDLR, it is unlikely that either government can do much more on the ground. This reality complicates Western and African diplomatic pressure on the two states to hold accountable their nationals involved in violence against civilians. Nevertheless, notorious perpetrators of crimes against civilians do fall into official hands from time to time, and MONUC and FARDC efforts to bring them to a speedy trial should be supported. The international community must continue to insist to Congo and Rwanda that a culture of impunity with respect to violence against civilians is intolerable, and that the guilty are held accountable."
Mon billet précédent : "La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) : retour sur la géopolitique du cœur de l’Afrique"
Le billet de Stéphane Mantoux : « République Démocratique du Congo : chronique d'une guerre sans fin ? » sur Ifriqiya
mercredi 23 décembre 2009
La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) : retour sur la géopolitique du cœur de l’Afrique
Depuis 1998, 5,4 millions de personnes seraient mortes et quelque 45 000 personnes décèdent encore chaque mois. le Haut commissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés (UNHCR) estime à 1,4 millions le nombre de déplacés (dont 980 000 au Nord-Kivu). La situation ne semble pas s'améliorer et la missions de la MONUC devrait être prolongée.
Pays d’Afrique centrale, le troisième en superficie du continent (2 345 000km²), et le plus peuplé de la zone (63 millions d’habitants). Elle y occupe une place centrale sur les axes Le Cap-Le Caire et océan Atlantique- océan Indien.
La RDC (Zaïre jusqu’en 1997) constitue un ensemble composite confié par la Conférence de Berlin (1885) à une société capitaliste d’exploitation dirigée par le roi des Belges Léopold qui le lègue à Bruxelles. Son unité (le Bassin du Congo) n’est qu’apparente : elle plonge au sud dans le plateau métallifère du Shaba (ex-Katanga riche en cuivre, colbalt, uranium) et touche à l’est les Grands Lacs. Aussi sa diversité ethnique est elle considérable (5 langues nationales) et la décolonisation (1960) s’est accompagné de nombreux troubles, en particulier les tentatives de sécession du Katanga encouragées par l’Union minière de Belgique.
La dictature de Mobutu (1965-1997) ne permet pas le développement du pays malgré ses richesses. Sa déstabilisation est une retombée indirecte du conflit du Rwanda, de nombreux Tutsi (les banyamulengue) ayant été établis par les Belges dans l’est de la RDC (Kivu). Ils se heurtent en 1996 au million de réfugiés hutu fuyant le FPR, parmi lesquels les milices interahamwe impliquées dans le génocide de 1994). L’intervention des Rwandais tutsi et des Ougandais, leurs alliés, provoque la chute de Kinshasa le 16 mai 1997 et porte au pouvoir une coalition d’opposants dirigée par Laurent-Désiré Kabila. Mais les interventions étrangères ne cessent pas et la RDC devient l’enjeu d’un affrontement entre deux camps, d’un côté l’Ouganda et ses alliés, de l’autre l’Angola et le Zimbabwe qui soutiennent Kabila. Le gel des positions militaires se traduit par une partition de fait du pays. En 2001, L.D. Kabila est assassiné. En 2003, un accord global est signé et un gouvernement d’union nationale nommé. Mais de nombreux mouvements de rébellion persistent, souvent sur une base ethnique, en particulier dans le Nord et l’Est du pays.
Quel avenir pour la RDC ? Un éclatement encouragé par ses voisins qui organisent le pillage des ressources du pays (diamant, or, coltan, cuivre, cobalt). Des troubles aggravés par la forte croissance démographique (3%) ? Ou une stabilisation qui lui permettrait de valoriser sa place centrale dans le continent ?
Relisez ICI le billet de Stéphane Mantoux : « République Démocratique du Congo : chronique d'une guerre sans fin ? » sur Ifriqiya
Ecoutez demain matin l’émission Les Enjeux Internationaux de Thierry Garcin sur France Culture consacrée « La prolongation des impasses en Afrique centrale » avec Claude Wauthier.
Conférence de l’IFRI le 28 janvier (17H30-19H30) : « L'environnement des affaires en République Démocratique du Congo » autour d'Olivier Kamitatu, ministre du Plan de la République Démocratique du Congo et Karim Dahou, manager exécutif de l'Initiative NEPAD-OCDE pour l’investissement en Afrique. Présidence : Cyril Musila, Université catholique de Paris
Libellés :
Afrique centrale,
Grands lacs,
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